

Health, as defined by the World Health Organization (WHO), is "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

The Project Affected Communities (PACs) have experienced a massive transformation from the Newmont Akyem Development Foundation in the area of healthcare delivery; notable among these includes the procurement and donation of an ambulance to the District Health Directorate/New Abirem Government Hospital to ease mobility of patients to and from the Health facilities in the District and beyond to safeguard life, the construction of the Afosu Clinic to provide healthcare delivery to its citizens and the district at large. The clinic has facilities like a laboratory, consulting rooms, delivery ward, special ward, dispensary, maternity unit, as well as an OPD

The Foundation is on course towards creation of sustainable value.

This vision is being realized through the discrete activities undertaken by the Foundation on a daily basis, with the support of our stakeholders.